Saturday 17 February 2018


Much can change in a few hours.  Petra went from romping along in the morning to extremely ill by late afternoon.  She had a fever and an extremelly hard swollen teat.  She had lost all her energy and was not even interested in eating or drinking.

We nursed her along, giving her vital immunity helps and using some of our organic products to help her body heal from the bacterial infection.  We separated her from the pups and kept her in our living area to monitor her closely  but took her over to the pups several times, even in the night, to get the pups to help clear the infected teat.

Thankfully by this morning she is a lot better.

Today is hot again and the pups have been playing in and drinking more water than usual.
The pups are learning to follow us as we take one or two at a time ouside their enclosure for a wee adventure each day.

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