Monday, 26 February 2018

Puppy Tests - 7 weeks

Today we spent a lot of time testing each puppy for various personality types as a final analysis of which puppy would best fit which family.  They are truly delightful.  It's difficult not to want to keep them all.

Here are a few snaps of the tests.

Saturday, 24 February 2018

Doing what comes naturally

Puppies are starting to follow happily where ever we walk.  They are becoming more interested in new things in the enviornment.  Some are starting to carry items - Look out shoes!

Friday, 23 February 2018

puppy photo bomb - Get ready to fall in love

The pups are developing beautifully and are full of energy.  They rush anytime they see someone who might pat them and try to be first to get a pat.  They are soft and silky and have so much extra skin to grown into.

Here is a photo bomb and hopefully I can work out how to upload a video as well.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Six weeks

The puppies personalities are really starting to come through now.  They are truly delightful and very clean. They are startiing canter along behind me when we head out for a short walk.

Petra has recovered well from her mastitis.  She has started to feed her puppies less often which is part of the natural weaning process.

Saturday, 17 February 2018


Much can change in a few hours.  Petra went from romping along in the morning to extremely ill by late afternoon.  She had a fever and an extremelly hard swollen teat.  She had lost all her energy and was not even interested in eating or drinking.

We nursed her along, giving her vital immunity helps and using some of our organic products to help her body heal from the bacterial infection.  We separated her from the pups and kept her in our living area to monitor her closely  but took her over to the pups several times, even in the night, to get the pups to help clear the infected teat.

Thankfully by this morning she is a lot better.

Today is hot again and the pups have been playing in and drinking more water than usual.
The pups are learning to follow us as we take one or two at a time ouside their enclosure for a wee adventure each day.

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Feeding frenzy

Our Mumma dog is extremely patient.  I love the look of all the pups happily feeding from a standing Mum.  tey seem to need to have their wee paws up as well.

Today was the first fine day we have seen for a while and the pups are loving romping in the sunshine.  We have introduced a trough of water for them to play in and a few toys will be introduced in the next week.  One is a ball on a piece of rope.  Today was their first time seeing it but they didn't take a minute to begin chasing it.

We also introduced an empty drum and have continued to make various noises to get the pups used to different sounds without becoming afraid.

Monday, 12 February 2018

Five weeks tomorrow

The puppies are growing and spending more time playing outdoors exploring and bouncing on each other.

Kuini, their half sister, joined in the fun but the pups had yet to understand that not all dogs had milk for them to enjoy.  Kuini (said Queenie) was very patient and enjoyed the gentle play.

The puppies also had their first try of a large fresh raw meat bone.  Despite having just cleaned up their bowl to the last crumb they tucked in with great delight while their tummies buldged with the extra dinner.