Tuesday 10 December 2019

A day in the life of a pup

The Pups are interested in everything around them. We are trying to expose them to various loud sounds and different places, so they become more comfortable with children, noises, other animals, different places.

We have begun separating off pups from the rest of the litter and having them with us. We continue to monitor each personality.

The pups are eating large amounts of food three times a day.  Their diet is soaked puppy biscuits, raw milk, eggs, fresh deer liver and heart, and bones.

We have a particular chicken that is way too friendly and may end up as pup fodder if she continues to be so unwise.  Each time we feed the pups she races over and joins them at the food bowl.  The pups eat with her along side and then pull on her feathers, sniff her, and try to work out what she is!  So far they have been very gentle and she continues to peck away while letting them pull on her wing or tail.

What better place to do your school work than with these two

Visitors making friends

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