Monday, 31 May 2021

SO much has happened in our world in the past 18 months.  It is with great excitement that we have another lot of puppies on the ground.  We had a final litter with Petra in January and things did not go well. We are glad Petra recovered so well.

We decided we wanted to have a puppy from the same parents as Kuini's last litter.  We have watched these pups grow up to not only look great but to be fantastic early hunters.  We have had nothing but high praise from the owners and wished we had kept one ourselves as dear Petra is slowing down and finding the hunting a bit more tiring - but DON'T try to leave her behind!  She gets so excited if she thinks there is a chance to hunt. There is also no chance with these Vizsla's that you can't teach an old dog new tricks as Petra began pheasant hunting recently and has excelled in her ability to point, flush and retrieve!