Thursday, 29 September 2016

Zadok and natural Vizsla fluid movement

All Vizsla's have a natural fluid, slow-motion walk when they spot some game.  Petra has been trained not to go after rabbits so she is not sure in this video if she is allowed to hunt with Zadok.  The quality of the video is not excellent as I was using my phone and no tripod but it does give an excellent indication of what I'm talking about.  We seem to have had an explosion of new life in our back yard, calves, lambs, chickens, baby rabbits, and soon the glorious golden puppies.

Our golden babies, from another litter, captured by our daughters camera

This video shows the fluid movement of the Vizsla.  Petra, on the left, knows she is not supposed to hunt the rabbit so looks a little guilty about it.
The Magnificant Zadok's latest hunting trip


Petra , the off-spring of Neika and Taz, is three and is expecting her first ltter of pups this October.   She has turned out to be a magnificent dog with an excellent nature. She spends much of her time romping about on the farm, travelling in the farm truck, or setting off on the occasional hunting adventure.

 If she gets wind of a hunting trip she will hardly leave the front door just incase she gets left behind.  She has been trained to hand signals rather than whistles or voice to keep her trips to the bush quiet.  With an excellent nose she is a natural hunter and has aided greatly in many hunting trips.
Petra's first natural stalking brought her face to face with a magpie.

We've found our dogs very versatile an able to accompany us even in snow,

Pregnancy progress